Sometimes all it takes is someone who believes in you
A woman to woman recordingstudio
studio recording rates
My Song Package
Your voice on a song of your choice
vocal recordings to a playback, including edits, cut, corrections, mixdown and master, up to two hours studio time
EP Package
bis zu 3 Songs mit Band
recording all instruments & vocals by overdubbing, mixdown & master. Optional: book a preproduction for extra 300 Eur
Demo Package
Im Studio oder im Proberaum, live Mitschnitt, alle spielen gemeinsam, Gesang / Solos als Overdubs, 3 Songs für 400 Eur
daily rate
bigger projects
A day is 8 hours studio time. Perfect for recording instruments and vocals for more songs. You can spread out the hours over several days
Single Package
recording one song with your band
Aufnahmen von bis zu sieben Instrumenten und Gesang (optional mit Vocal Production) im Overdub Verfahren, Mixdown & Mastering
hourly rates
short recordings or mixdowns
ideal for voice over recording, podcast, edits, quick demos, simple mixdowns or mastering
mobile recording rates
recording in your own space (eg rehearsal room) from 300 Eur per day, including all the equipment and travel expense inside Vienna
including basic editing, no mixdown
mixdown costs between 50 and 100 Eur per song, depending on complexity of the project
rates for livesoundengineering (FOH)
Starting from 150 Eur per gig, inclunging travel expenses inside Vienna, without any extra gear
This is the equpment I own and can hire out or bring with me on your gig:
1 pair Mackie Thump 12 active PA speakers (500W RMS)
1 LD Systems 15″ Sub + 2 x Top
1 the box floor monitor
Yamaha DM3 16ch digital Mischpult (16 Kanal Livemitschnitt möglich)
Mackie DL1608 digital mixer
Yamaha und Behringer analog Kleinmixer
Vocal mics Neumann, Shure, Lewitt, Audio Technica, Sennheiser wireless, Mipro wireless, LD Systems wireless
Instrumentenmikrofone Sennheiser, Audix, Schertler, Revox, AKG, Shure, Audio Technica
Shure InEar (mono)
2 Rockboard HA1 kabelgebundene InEar Amps
DI Boxen, Mikrofonstative und Kabel
please send me your request so I can make an offer

Bobal Sound Studio
Heidi Bobal, Vösendorferstrasse 41, 1230 Wien heidi@heidibobal.com 0664 4363742