Sometimes all it takes is someone who believes in you

A woman to woman recordingstudio


How many dreams remain dreams, how many ideas only in the head?
Sometimes all it takes is someone who believes in you

In my studio I would like to be the one who believes in you. I want to be the midwife at the birth of your musical ideas.

Three things are very important to me at this:
I love to work with women

The studio is a space for creativity and unfolding

For me, recording music means more than technical perfection.

Why do I prefer women?

  1. They are underrepresented
    I had a studio with rehearsal rooms for 15 years. Sometimes I was the only woman there for days on end.
    Until four years ago, I didn't know a single other female sound engineer. I want to encourage more women to dedicate themselves to music if they feel called to do so
  2.  Frauen sind gesellschaftlich eher konditioniert schweigend zu akzeptieren. Sie werden weniger gehört, weniger ernstgenommen, sie  leben in einer Welt, die von männlichen Bedürfnissen geprägt und gestaltet ist. Ich möchte Frauen den Raum geben ihre Wahrheit zu sagen, zu singen und in Musik auszudrücken
  3. The dominance of male qualities, such as competition, hierarchy or a winners & losers mentality has led us into a society that is not fit for human beings. We are getting sick and crazy inside our culture. It needs balance, we need the feminine qualities of cooperation, softness and intuitiveness to heal again.
Creativity and unfolding
Bringing music, or art in general, into the world is somewhat like giving birth to a child.
A quote from a midwife expresses very well how I see my role in the studio:
' ... my intention is to support birth, with trust in the natural abilities and inner wisdom of the birthing woman. This means leaving my agenda and personal baggage at the door. It is about being present, attentive and aware of what wants to unfold in the moment ...'
Technical perfection
Of course, we all expect good quality from a studio recording. Technically cleanly recorded, virtuously and correctly performed by the artist.
But recording music is much more than that. It's also about capturing the energy, the energy of the moment IN the moment. And to capture the 'right' energy we need the right environment, the right framework.
The security for the artist that she can let herself go. That she is allowed to make mistakes, to try things out without being judged or condemned. Respectful interaction should be a matter of course, but it is not always.
Ich glaube ich wünsche mir sogar noch mehr. Wertschätzenden Umgang. Neugierde, Offenheit, Liebe am Tun. Damit der Flow kommt. Damit die Energie fließt. Das Ganze ist immer mehr als die Summe der Teile. Unerwartetes, Unerhofftes entsteht in diesen magischen Momenten

Bobal Sound Studio
Heidi Bobal, Vösendorferstrasse 41, 1230 Wien    0664 4363742
